Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Overcoming Ourselves To Achieve Our Goals

We can't overcome the odds until we overcome ourselves.  I have seen too many people who want more from life but are UNWILLING to make the changes to achieve it. You can't decide to achieve a goal and then put parameters on what you're willing to do to get there.
There is enough evidence out there just in the number of self help/motivational books sold on a daily basis to prove this theory. The theory being that there are those that name a goal, and take the necessary steps to achieve it, and then there are those who have good intentions but don't get past naming the goal much less taking the steps to claim that goal as their own.
Sweetie has recently finished his Bachelors Degree. This was a goal set back a few years ago. While in the USAF he took some classes as he could. Since we have been back in TN he stepped that up and made a plan to take two to three classes at a time. Did this make life difficult? Yes. Did the family and friends re-adjust our lifestyles so that he could achieve this? Yes! When he takes that diploma in hand in December family and friends will celebrate not only his achievement but his focus and dedication to seeing this process through.
Goal accomplished! If you are asking yourself is there another goal? You would be right, with Sweetie there is always another goal. (We look forward to celebrating with him on achieving that one also!)
There is so much negativity everywhere you look. Folks sometimes we are harder on ourselves than anyone else will ever be. Forgive yourself, recognize there will be setbacks, that's part of it! Above all, Keep GOING! If you have a goal, big or smallplease; write it down. Write out your plan to achieve it. As time goes by, life itself presents obstacles, write down ways to get around those obstacles, and keep on truckin! You will be glad you did!

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