Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

Happy early Valentines Day!

Valentines Day. Those two words bring various thoughts to mind and a smile to my face.

First thought: Sweetie. Yep! We have been a part of each others lives for almost 19 years now, married for almost 16 of that. We have grown up together. We are both so different from the two of us that started dating in 1991. We were such good friends that I never thought we would be married. I even left town to go to school, I figured that would be that. But it wasn't! He came down to school on some of the weekends and for any occasion where I would need a date! One night in 1992, on the campus of Union University he told me that I would marry him in two years. I laughed out loud at him when he said that. ( for those of you who know Sweetie, know that he is/was always such a jokester, that in my defense it took me awhile to take him seriously)
My Valentine at the time was working with the State Forestry. One weekend when I came home he asked me to climb up in one of the observation towers. I did, he got down on one knee and asked me to be a part of his life forever! I said yes, but I had to wait until I got to the bottom again before he gave me the ring. He was so afraid it would be lost forever if it was dropped.
So two years to the day, plus a couple of months(due to planning issues) we were married on April 30, 1994. This year will mark our 16th wedding anniversary! WOW!
He still makes me laugh, is still my best friend, and I have no regrets. We have been through a lot together, both good and bad, and are stronger because of it. God has blessed us with two wonderful boys, that both challenge us and bless us daily!
So, on this Valentines day, I dedicate this to the love of my life! Happy Valentines Day Sweetie. I love you so much! Thanks for investing in me with your friendship and love, for being the leader in our home, and for living such a great example of a Christian husband and father to our boys. You are my rock, and I am forever thankful to God for bringing us together!

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