Monday, February 8, 2010

SuperBowl 2010

The winning team has won, the confetti fell, the snack food was devoured, the commercials played, the hype is over.
Yesterday afternoon and evening, like millions of people worldwide our family and friends watched the biggest football game of the year. The Colts vs the Saints. Most of our party patrons were for the Colts. Only three of us, me included were for the Saints.
Why? Well, honestly I didn't have a passion either way. Payton Manning is a former UT man, so I do care how he does. But see he has been to the superbowl before, and won! So, I cheered for the team that had never experienced a Super Bowl to win. The underdog. I could roll through various stats, but that isn't important. Yesterday was fun.
I think this year tops other years in that we had the biggest group yet, and we hung out together most of the day. We all went to church in the morning, then we met at 1pm at a mexican restaurant down the road, and then we gathered at the house. We had three and a half hours before the game started.
Unless you are good friends with someone, that can be an awkward time. What do you do to fill the time? We talked and shared life stuff with each other, and updated one another on prayer requests, talked about, and made plans for the future. We played games, made memories, and grew some friendships. We talked and watched as the children played.
Our boys got the pleasure of a superbowl party with little girls. One was 4 the other 3. Those little girls kept our boys so busy. They wanted to play outside, then inside, then outside again. They wanted to watch a movie, they wanted to play a game. It was non stop! The squeals reached decibles that I haven't heard in a long time. Even Sasha made some sounds I hadn't heard before.
Sasha, our rat terrier is very attached to our family. She is usually put up over small group time, but since we were going to have 8-12 people in our home at any one time, and that time was from 2-930p.m. she needed to learn to deal. To put it mildly, she got to hang out awhile, then one of the little girls would make a squeal or try to touch her and GAME OVER back upstairs to a quiet room she went. However, little girl squeals launch her into a howl/bark. High pitched sounds came out of her that we hadn't ever heard before. So as not to stress out our little puppy she only got to be part of the activity in spurts.
As far as adults, there is only one so far that she will allow to ever so briefly touch her (out of the group). He did suprise her this week and kind of swooped her up as she jetted by him. I did laugh out loud as a sincere look of suprise came over her little face! She handled it well though and let him hold her for a short time. When the evening was over, the boys & girls were down for the count, the adults were full, everyone headed home, Sasha was thankful to have her quiet home back, and once the mess was cleaned up..we all just melted into bed.
A day spent investing in others ended up making us rich beyond measure in the relationships that are growing out of it.

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