Tuesday, January 19, 2010

God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth

My grandmother used to say that all the time. She thought and said that I was a continual bubbling brook. All someone had to do was show an interest in something I was doing and BOOM!
I wasn't always like that. When I think back to school days, I didn't say much. I was however not without communication. I recall getting in trouble in the fourth grade for passing notes in class. When the note regarding my behavior went home, I knew I was going to be in trouble. I wasn't! I remember my mother laughing and telling me that she was glad I had friends and try to talk to them outside the classroom so I wouldnt get another note home. She then shared with me how she didn't have many friends and she was glad I had made a few. I thought maybe I was in a time warp or something. But no, she simply signed the note and gave it to me to take back to school the next day. Now that I'm the parent, I also try to remember to exhibit grace and let some things slide.
I found myself using the same comment that Grandma used on the boys as of late. I want them to learn that we need to listen twice as much as we talk. Sometimes people just want someone to listen to them, not talk their ear off. We must learn to be still so that we can hear God's voice too.
People that don't speak out often are the ones that many will stop what they are doing just to hear what this quiet person has to say.
We are working on listening more than talking these next few weeks. It will be fun to see how the boys put this attribute into action.
That is all for now. More to come later.

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