Monday, October 24, 2011

Old Memories- rediscovered!

What do the words memories, family, weekend project, and repurposed bring to mind?

I'll tell ya!
For my birthday this year I was blessed with an amazing gift that I would receive several months later, that was covered in over 20 years worth of dirt, dust and who knows what else, and yet it is one of the most precious gifts I've ever been given?
See? This is a double glider swing hand made by Chad's Uncle Hugh back in November of 1981. Uncle Hugh owned a saw mill, as a matter of fact it was in his front yard. He liked to build things, and so that particular year he and his friend, Lowell made several of these for the family.
My memories in regard to this swing start with dating Sweetie. This swing was parked over to the left of the family home. If we could draw back the folds of time, you would see Sweetie and I swinging on it, first on opposite sides, then together on one side. Me urging it along with my short legs, Chad slowing it down with his much longer legs! And then I smile as I see his mom and myself swinging and talking.  I didn't know at the time that she was investing in the girl that would eventually become his wife. We had some good talks on that swing, and to me it symbolizes the special relationship we have today. We can still sit and talk about anything, just as we did years ago.
Over the years, his family moved to a different location on the farm and the swing was set aside in one of the barns on the property. I never forgot about that swing...
So, when I was told that was my birthday present - I was touched and thrilled. My father in law lovingly reminded me that "it had been in the barn for years and would need a lot of work." He wasn't joking! It was delivered to us several months later, and we immediatly started talking about restoring it to its original usefulness, (besides, there are girls lined up to date Cory- but that's another story!)
So, this week we started the process. First the power sprayer took off layers of dust and dirt, then the wire brushes peeled of paint layer by layer. Then we taped, then painted it red and black.

And this is the finished product!

Now it is ready for more memories!


Heidi said...

It looks great Brenda! So glad it's ready for some more memories!

Heidi said...

I forgot to add...Uncle Hugh would be proud. :)

willie bailey said...

Looks good! Good time a year for it.-WB