Sunday, October 2, 2011

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and the STRIKERS are showing thier support to their coach, and breast cancer surviovor, Diane. They are showing their support by each player making a donation to the cause and wearing pink wrist bands, shoe laces, and socks for the month of October. We are so proud of them. 
The majority of kids on Brian's team have played together for years so they and their parents have become good friends of ours. This team has supported many causes over the years where instead of getting trophies or having a pizza party at end of season, they spend Saturdays or a day during the week collecting food/clothing for the homeless, serving in soup lines, and even doing some free yardwork for folks that cannot get out and do for themselves. Congratulations Strikers! We are so proud of you and the well rounded young men you are!

Brian in goal.  Score this week! 5 to 2. We won! yay!

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