Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sushi class @ Salud Cooking School in Whole Foods

Sushi. In the last 3 to 5 years I have developed a fondness for this food type. Just hearing the word years ago brought raw meat and visions of worm infested stomachs. I know, dramatic. I've seen the TV specials, on the dangers of eating raw sushi. (In this class I learned that in the states our sushi has to be frozen deep freeze style in order to kill off any of the bacteria.)
Now I know that there are many vegetable varieties as well as cooked food variations of sushi. Yummy!
When best bud and I got there, I was anxious. I'm not much of a seafood person, and I wasn't sure just how much of this raw stuff I would have to handle. (Poor Sweetie, who is way less tolerant of fish than I would have just politely excused himself)
The teacher was friendly and chatted with our class of 10. We learned how to cook our rice, what type of rice to use, how to make it sticky enough to adhere to our seaweed wraps. We made vegetable rolls and yep - raw seafood rolls. (and one with cooked crab).
We learned how to assemble and then finally roll them. That was really great to learn. Best bud was kind enough to keep the rolls that I made with the raw stuff in them. We made so much there were to-go boxes for everyone there.
Oh, we even made a roll called inside-out California roll. That was one where we had the rice on the outside of the roll instead of inside! It was fun to see it completed.

The teacher asked me at the end of the course if I liked it, ('cause she learned that I don't like the raw part) and I told her it was great! I like to learn how to make things new - even if no one in my home will eat it with me.

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