In the last couple of years with the job market being as such, I've had to be creative in order to help Sweetie get bills paid.
One of my favorite jobs was cleaning up and cleaning out an old home after its owner died. The owner had a daughter and she wasn't interested in anything the house held. NOTHING! Can you imagine? She didn't even want to come down (she lives out of state) to go through the house first. She wanted to hire someone to go through and the house room by room and document what was in each room. She then wanted the rooms cleaned. (here is where I was hired). Me and another lady showed up and cleaned for almost 5 days straight. This was a five bedroom, three bath home. Once all this was completed, we were to then go and make a list of what was there. We did. We faxed the list and waited 24 hours. She called back and asked us to get things ready for the auction folks, and the rest was to go to Goodwill.
While this was a daunting task, apparently it was too much for the lady that started with me, so I got to go it alone. Each room was full of suprises. Antique quilts, racks for them to be displayed, old hankerchiefs, toys, telephones, buttons, shoes, everything. It was just crazy. I loved it! The old photo's called to me, but since I didn't want to spend days and wasn't paid too, I moved on and just stuck all that stuff in a box.
There was also a full shed, full of tools, canning jars, ect. That was the most challenging for me, because it was hot and spiders were everywhere.. I ran out several times just knowing something was crawling on me...ick!
It didn't take me long to document everything. Next was to walk through with the auction folks and let it be. Then the women who hired me sent a check and all was well in my world.
The boys were involved with a Saturday game and full afternoon so I missed the auction, I wonder what went and what didn't.