Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day 2011!  What will you do today? Since our family is saving up for our March Mission Journey to Costa Rica we are conserving our monies this year.  Our family plans on having a dinner of porkchops, greenbeans, mashed potato's and rolls here at home. Nice and quiet.
Today Brian has a Valentines party with his class. I'm a little sad to say that over the weekend, I bought my last box of Valentines. (for awhile at least). He groaned over having to write names on the cards last night. 5th graders are too big for Valentines day, he let us all know in no uncertain terms. He did celebrate that this year, unlike other years, he doesn't have to make a Valentine box to put all his loot in.  He and Cory discussed all sorts of better ways to spend their day than all goopy over a girl.
This is the way it is on this Valentines day 2011, mark it down, because it won't be long and the boys will have their own Valentine plans, so I need to appreciate having all my Valentines under one roof! 

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