Thursday, November 4, 2010

First Broken Bone

Well, we have our first broken bone amongst the boys. Thankfully it is a thumb (the right one) and not a leg or arm. The story behind it? Cory was playing with a puppet and bouncing it around in front of Sasha the puppy's face, and Brian's face. Brian swatted it out of his way, and Cory screamed. This is typical at our home, so I don't jump unless it continues or it is brought to me to handle. The latter happened and Cory showed me his swelled thumb saying that Brian broke it.
Being the tender mom that I am, I said, "What did you do to him to get that?" to which he told me Brian took a swing at the puppet he was playing with. Omitting of course the details of it being in Brian's face and Sasha's. (Sasha apparently had taken a few nips at the puppet too!) We put ice on it, and actually let it go overnight as we have suffered through many jammed fingers with the amount of sports played, not to mention all the wrestling injuries between the boys.
The next morning it was the same size and so Cory was now the victim and was pouting off things such as:  "I can't go to school, how will I carry my books? Open my locker, or write?"  He was told he could adjust as there were children that were at school with worse injuries making their way around.
Since Sweetie works in radiology at a local hospital, we took Cory in that evening after school. The xray told us what we needed to know.  Yep, broken, a little piece was broken off, just above the growth plate.
Now Cory sports a finger guard splint wrapped on his right thumb. He is liking the attention he is getting from the girls. (no way is he telling them his little brother broke it - wonder what story he is spinning?)


Heidi said...

My 1st and only broken bone was my thumb too, and it was broken by my brother. Welcome to the club Cory! Heal fast! :)

Teri said...

With the acrobatics they do on their bikes, skateboards, and ripsticks (or whatever you call that thing).... I'm really surprised they've made it this long without breaking something! LOL

Teri said...

Opps... doesn't Sasha's broken leg count??