Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Philippians 4:10-12 (New International Version)

10. I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
This series of verses is one that I come back to often when it seems that life is going well, and am reminded of  when it isn't.
I know that in the life of our family at least, there is inevitably someone who is going through a particular hurdle, or perhaps all of us are struggling through a dry patch that we have to work through in order for things to be 'good' again.
I was smiling as I typed that because just what is a 'good' life? Is it when there are no problems, no one is sick, and all the bills are paid? Or is it perhaps because you were able to get up this morning, your family called to chat with ya - and didn't need anything, or maybe yet because there was food on the table, and you are employed?
I believe it is defined by the person you are talking too. What we value most in this world- that is what we base our definition of a 'good life' on.
 After a lot of thought, a 'good' life to me is one thats impervious to what society tells me I need. I am totally happy with what I have, and I work hard to keep up friendships, and I treasure and even guard my time with my Sweetie and my boys!  Society says that I need a certain type computer, drive a new car, wear certain labeled clothing, live in a certain part of the world, have 2.5 children, and oh, let's not forget to eat and drink certain things also. Upon having all of these things I will be living a 'good' life. Hmmph!
I am a happy person a content person most of the time. I treasure time with my family and my close friends. I appreciate the gifts the Lord has given me, and am deeply honored when HE allows me to use them. As a human being, I do have moments of weakness, selfishness, and pity party time.  However, it seems that someone who is truly experiencing a hard spot in life will cross my path reminding me to be thankful for what I have.
Let's shift gears a minute..being content. Content is defined as a state of being. So where does 'want' fit in?
To want something sometimes to me is the fun part of it. It might be something I will never have, a place I most likely won't ever get to go, or a thing I physically cannot achieve; but I sure do have fun dreaming about it!
This doesn't make me not happy in my current situation, if anything it motivates me to take some steps toward achieving that something I want! So, in closing I leave you with this: Are you content? Are you living a 'good' life?

1 comment:

Teri said...

Well... you do have 2.5 children. Sasha is a .5 if I ever saw it!