Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thank You Lord For a New day!

January 1st may be the calendar start of a new year, but for me, a new year starts when the first signs of spring start to show themselves to us again. The sun is out, the birds are chirping, and the Warmth! My buttercups are coming up, as is new growth everywhere! I'm encouraged each spring as I pull back the dry leaves to expose the new growth of a plant. The new life that has been growing in the darkness and pushing its way above ground so that it makes it appearance at just the right time. I believe we too Bloom during different stages in our lives. (Wow thats a blog all in itself!)
We have had the blessing of a couple of warm days this week, and we are celebrating! There is much to be appreciated seeing some green grass, or in our case some onions sprouting! The trees are budding and soon everything will be just vibrant with a rainbow of color! This time of year, as I do in the fall, I send up prayers of thanks for my eyesight!
Yesterday a friend and I went up into Kentucky to run some errands, and how wonderful it was to see the fields being prepped for planting! We saw horse drawn plows and tractors busy in their preparations for another promising season.
On a different note, soccer season has begun and we are all ready for it. Little man has been playing for several years now, and we enjoy watching his progress.
Our middleschooler, he is practicing more music on the piano for his recital in May. Sweeetie is taking his final courses and anticipating his graduation!
As I ponder these changes taking place, and the new growth that will come in our lives this year, I am ever thankful to our Heavenly Father for giving us another day!

1 comment:

Emily Doss said...

I love this post and the springtime air!!!