Wednesday, July 15, 2009

June 2009 Chester's Sleepover

A Summertime Sleepover

Chester and Dart were planning their sleepover. “First we will eat, and then we will play games!” Chester said excitedly.
“Let’s stay awake all night!” Dart added.
“Okay! Ummmm. I need to get home and get things ready.” Chester replied.
“See you in a couple hours, Chester!” Dart said as he flew off to get his overnight bag.

Chester had lots to do to get his home ready for Dart to spend the night. He wanted everything to be perfect. He hurried down the trail back to his home. Hopping inside he grabbed some containers and headed back into the woods.
First, Chester dug up lots of worms, putting them into a small cooler. Dart would love that! Next, he picked two baskets full of berries. One he would mash down into juice for them to drink and the other for snacks. Chester yawned, it had been a full day already and Chester was getting tired from all the running back and forth.

Just as Chester was pulling the second basket into his home, his mom poked her head around the corner.
“Hi Chester! I brought over some snacks for later tonight.”
“Mom, I didn’t know you were here!” Chester said, giving her a big hug. “Your snacks are the best! Thank you!”
“I’m here too Chester!” his father said, coming in the door.
“Hi Dad, what’s up?” he said giving his dad a high five.
“Your mom said that she heard you were having a buddy spend the night and she wanted to bring over some snacks and extra bedding.” Dad chipmunk said.

Chester looked around his home. There were two extra quilts folded in the corner, a bucket full of peanuts, and a stack of games in another basket.
“Thanks guys! This is going to be great!” Chester clapped his hands in delight.
“Your dad brought you boys a surprise!” Mom said as she squeezed the berries into a pitcher.
Chester’s eyes widened. “Oh! What is it?”
Chester’s dad waved at Chester to follow him into the dim hallway. “But Dad, I can’t see back there!”
“Come here, and you will see!” Dad chipmunk was pulling two jars out of his backpack. Each jar had a glow about it.
Chester leaned in close. “What is that?”
“It’s firefly juice, so you can glow after dark. Just rub this on yourselves or anything you want to glow and you will be able to see even in the dark.”
“Dad, you rock! I can’t wait to try it out!” Chester exclaimed.

Mom chipmunk slowly spread the quilts out on the floor. Inside each quilt was a fresh pillow.
Chester sniffed the air. “What is that smell?”
“It’s mint! I put fresh mint into these new pillows so you and Dart will have sweet dreams.” she answered.
“Did you leave us any to munch on?” Chester asked.
Mom chipmunk winked, “I sure did! Over there in the bag on the counter.”
“Mom, you rock too!” Chester laughed.
“Okay, we had better get out of here; it is almost time for Chester’s company to show up.” Dad chipmunk said, opening the door to leave.
“Thanks, both of you! Thank you for everything!” Chester said waving goodbye.
“Have fun Chester!” Mom chipmunk said as she turned the corner out of sight.

Chester was still smiling when Dart knocked on the door.
“Come in Dart!” said Chester.
“Are you ready to have fun? My mom gave me some raisins, and a new box of cards to play with.” Dart said, bringing his bag inside.
“My parents came by and dropped off some things too! We are all set!” said Chester as he showed Dart all the fun things waiting for them to use.

The two friends laughed, and played games for several hours. It didn’t take long for them to work up an appetite. They had quite a lot to choose from for dinner once they set it all out. Dart filled up on berry juice and worms, while Chester ate a little of everything.

Next, Chester brought out the firefly juice. The friends smeared it on their faces and took turns scaring each other. Then they drew pictures on the walls and floors. Soon there were soft glowing pictures of each other, and many of their adventures all around them.
“Sigh! What a great day! Thanks for letting me come over Chester!” Dart said lying back on his fresh pillow.
“No problem, anytime.” Chester said, rubbing his eyes. Even though they tried their best to stay awake, the friends were soon fast asleep, each one dreaming of tomorrow’s new and exciting adventures.

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