Saturday, April 11, 2009


Just the word Tornado stirs up emotions in people. Depending on whether you personally have been through one, or know someone who has. Even watching coverage of the loss and devestation of a particular area tugs on one's heart strings.
One minute your life is "normal" the next you are starting over from scratch. Suddenly the "next big thing" isn't so important. Raw nerves, instinct. Emotion, loss, and thankfulness.
Three tornado's confirmed touchtown in Murfreesboro, TN yesterday. I first listened on the weather radio, then as our weather cleared out (we got strong winds,rain and hail) I watched the damage done to Murfreesboro come to light for all to see.
My aunt, uncle, and cousin live in Murfreesboro. We, ourselves lived there four years ago now. It took awhile before I could get in touch with them as the cell tower was part of the damage.
They were driving downtown to get a Easter dress for my cousin when; as they stopped at a red light at an intersection..they saw it. Literally saw the funnel cloud touch the ground! It was close! Folks were so spellbound by the tornado they weren't moving thier cars when the light turned green. It was if they were locked in place. Fear is a powerful emotion. Until you go through something like that you don't know how you would react.
My uncle was able to get the family van out of the traffic and turned away from the oncoming tornado. They drove down the road, clogged by drivers in shock. They pulled into a neighborhood where my cousin said a friend of hers lived with a basement. THey pulled into the driveway and got out. They could hear that "train sound" and the temperature had dropped several degrees. The sky was green and the rain was pounding their skin as they knocked on the door. The folks were not home. My uncle says he and family went behind the house and hunkered down. Praying. Praying for safety.
The wind was howling and the rain was pelting, it was cold. God spared my family. Praise God, my family was safe! Less than 2 blocks over the tornado tore through the neighborhood. With debris everywhere, they thanked God for keeping them safe. They were able to navigate their van down a different route to their home. Their home is still intact. Praises!
As thankful as I am to God for keeping my family safe, I'm deep in prayer for the folks that didn't escape this violent act of nature. There is a lot of cleanup to be done. Volunteers are popping up all over. The community will come together and reclaim their homes.
Isn't it something how natural disasters bring out the best in people? Ok, guaranteed there are scum bags that will take advantage of the situation, but overall folks are back to being thankful for the stuff we generally take for granted. Each other for one. THere are no guarantees that we will be together with our loved ones this weekend, or even in the next hour. Events like yesterday, remind us that life is fragile.
The people I spoke with were just thankful that no one in their family was injured. Even those who lost their homes, were just thanful to be alive. Thankful that their neighbor and their pets were found alive. Several were taken to the hospital. One, being loaded into an ambulance spoke to reporters. "I just want to thank GOD for sparing me, and my family's life".
Maybe this Easter holiday will be approached with a renewal of spirit, a re-kindled love for Christ and the immeasurable sacrifice HE made for us.

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