Friday, August 27, 2010

83 Years - A Birthday Celebration

SNICKER! Guess where I've been?  We have some precious friends, adopted family really that we get the privalege of visiting with often. I always come away amused. Tonight was no let down as the air was ripe with the electricity between two hearts happily married 60 some odd years.
His money, Her money, Our money together was the topic of conversation. As they teased each other back and forth, Sweetie and I grinned from ear to ear. This couple is so real. We have had conversations covering all sorts of topics, all peppered with humor. They have given advice, which we treasure, they have worked with us on projects, and we have gone and had fun with them also. When you get to live life the everyday ups and downs of it, you become part of that person, or in our case, that persons inner circle.
On our way out the door, it was let drop by the Mr. that it was the Mrs. birthday tomorrow. The Mrs. proceeded to tell us no fuss was to be made, although she used that as an opportunity to throw a jab in on the Mr. about how he'd better take her somewhere nice to eat. To which he replied with a wink, "I'm takin her to McDonalds!". 
Since Sweetie and I work and the boys are in school all day we have to wait until evening to visit and "show no fuss". Mrs. informed us it was a good day as Mr. took her to Logans Roadhouse and even let her get dessert. She smiled as she softly touched the pedals of the red gerber daisies and yellow carnations the boys gave her. Although her mouth said, "You really shouldn't have"; her eyes gave her away. She was thrilled over the gift and even allowed for a giggle to pass her lips when our puppy Sasha 'gave her paw (five)'. Cory played Happy Birthday on the piano for her to hear and she loved the 'cha, cha, cha!' that Brian added to the end.  In order to stay in character, the Mr. took no time in adding, "You look like a monkey and smell like one too!". 
What a great way to spend an evening!

1 comment:

Teri said...

Fantastic!! So is Mrs N going to celebrate with a shopping trip to Pidgeon Forge? ;-D